Take Up Space

You know what has always been super tough for me? Stretching out. Taking up space. Truly relaxing and not thinking about who I might offend. ⠀

God knows this. I've made a lot of progress, and it’s mostly because God is really patient with me. He uses every opportunity to coax me out of my cozy little shell. The most recent one being a Zumba dance party I went to a couple of weeks ago (and yes, it was just as fun as it sounds!) ⠀

I walked into the party late, which meant everyone was already dancing and the place was packed. The studio is already kinda small for a dance class, so you can imagine... My first thought was “Get me out of here.” The next words going through my mind were, I believe, from the Holy Spirit, “Give it a chance. Jump on in there!” ⠀

So I shimmied my way into the mob of vibrantly dressed ladies dancing. And you know what happened? They happily made room for me.

I really do believe this is a common thing. People make room for you when you give them a chance to. I think we all know this deep down, but taking that first step and joining in can be so nerve-wracking. Can I just encourage you to do it anyways? It might feel like you’re bothering them but you aren’t, and you are worth making room for. God created you to not only exist in this world but to cultivate and inhabit it (See Genesis 1:28). Not just to have life, but to enjoy it (John 10:10). ⠀

You were created to take up space. ⠀

Stop trying to be invisible. ⠀

Give people a chance to know you before you assume they don’t want to. ⠀

One of my favorite names for Jesus is Emmanuel, which means, "God with us". We tend to hear this beautiful name for our Savior around Christmastime. However, powerful shifts can take place within our lives when we truly know God is WITH us every day of the year. Jesus left Heaven to be here with us, even though it cost Him greatly and was probably uncomfortable. From what I have read in scripture, I believe Jesus thinks it was all worth it, and He would do it all again for you and me.

"...Because His heart was focused on the joy of knowing that YOU would be His, He endured the agony of the cross and conquered its humiliation..."
- Hebrews 12:2 The Passion Translation (emphasis added)

So, my point? Because God Himself is with you, you have all you need to BE WITH those around you. Like, really be with them. You are enough because Jesus has made you enough. You belong because Jesus says you do. You are wanted, and Jesus sure demonstrated this! Give other people a chance to enjoy the unique and truly wonderful person God made you to be!

Accept the dinner invitation.
Go and grab coffee with a friend.
Show up to the Zumba dance parties.⠀
Don't be afraid of people, be yourself with them.⠀
Laugh loudly with them. ⠀
Make room for each other. ⠀

Here's to loosing our shame, one trusting step at a time!


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