Powerful Peace

“Don’t be pulled in different directions or worried about a thing. Be saturated in prayer throughout each day, offering your faith-filled requests before God with overflowing gratitude. Tell him every detail of your life, then God’s wonderful peace that transcends human understanding, will guard your heart and mind through Jesus Christ.” 

- Philippians 4:6-7 TPT

“But when the Father sends the Spirit of Holiness, the One like me who sets you free, he will teach you all things in my name. And he will inspire you to remember every word that I’ve told you. I leave the gift of peace with you—my peace. Not the kind of fragile peace given by the world, but my perfect peace. Don’t yield to fear or be troubled in your hearts—instead, be courageous!” 

- John 14:26-27 TPT

Studying these two passages of scripture alongside one another teaches such a powerful lesson. God’s children can always have peace, not because there isn’t trouble around us, but because the Lord is always with us. 

Here is a stunning truth for you, sister: even more than you desire to be close to Jesus, your Savior wants to be close with you. Jesus sent us the Holy Spirit so that He could lead us through everything in life, and help us to feel His love directly from the inside of our hearts. Take a moment to place your hand over the left side of your chest. Do you feel your heart beating? Close your eyes and whisper this over yourself: “Jesus lives in me. I am never alone. God is with me. He loves me and protects me.” 

Facing life alone can be so frightening, but for followers of Jesus, being alone is never something we have to worry about. Jesus sent us the Holy Spirit, who acts as our direct line of connection to God himself. Jesus explained this very thing to His disciples shortly before He was crucified:I promise that I will never leave you helpless or abandon you as orphans—I will come back to you! Soon I will leave this world and they will see me no longer, but you will see me, because I will live again, and you will come alive too. So when that day comes, you will know that I am living in the Father and that you are one with me, for I will be living in you. (John 14:18-20 TPT)”  

When I first read this verse a few years ago, I asked God what living my life connected to them (the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) should look like everyday. In response, God gave me a dream I would love to share with you: I saw the outlines of two men walking with their arms around each other, one was much older than the other. Instinctively I knew one of them was God the Father, and the other was Jesus, God’s son. Jesus turned to look back at me as I walked behind them, and with his left hand waved for me to come and join them. I did, and they both greeted me with great big smiles and made room for me to walk between them. 

The Father and Son seemed so pleased to have me there and happily rested an arm across each of my shoulders while I tentatively placed my arms across each of their backs. I was so nervous, but they talked with me like we were close friends. We continued to walk together, with my arms around them and their arms around me, and I realized that our relationship had been more intimate than I ever realized. This is what my prayers looked like in the spiritual realm. God was more present than I ever knew. We talked about things I didn’t remember once I woke up, but I vividly recall how lighthearted I felt there with them. I didn’t have to worry about where we were going or when we would get there, because they knew all of that. Our pace was slow, and I understood that getting to our destination was not nearly as important to them as being together was. 

When I awoke the next morning, I still felt their presence beside me. As I got out of bed, I placed my hand on my heart, finally able to grasp what it means to have the Holy Spirit, and whispered to the Father and the Son, “thank you for being with me always.” 

Dear sister, just because you cannot see the Lord and His son Jesus beside you, that doesn’t mean they are not there. Not only are they your Lord and Savior, but they are also your friends. When you feel alone or worried, you can always talk with them and they will respond to you. 

Think of the Holy Spirit’s abiding presence as their arms around you, and your faith is the way you in turn place your arms around them. 

Together, through the power of God’s Spirit within you and your belief in Jesus, the three of you will travel through life. Slow your pace and be at peace today. You do not have to know your next move because your wise, glorious Friends already do. God is not in a rush because nothing scares Him. He is not concerned about how things will work out and He doesn’t want you to be either. 

I especially love this line from Philippians 4: “Don’t be pulled in different directions or worried about a thing. Be saturated in prayer throughout each day…” When worry tries to pull and tug at you, remember that you are sheltered by Heavenly arms. When Jesus said “the Kingdom of Heaven is near,” He meant it (Matthew 3:2). Jesus is called Emmanuel (in Hebrew, this means “God with us”) for a reason. God is enthroned on high, but His favorite place to be is with us. He hears your prayers from beside you because Heaven has come close. Through the Holy Spirit, God is never farther away than the beat of your heart. You do not walk through life alone. 

Today’s Declaration: “I am my Father’s daughter and I am sheltered by His embrace. The Lord’s presence goes before me, and walks beside me, every single day. Because of this, I can live with a profound sense of peace.” 

This is an entry from Kelly’s new devotional book, I Am My Father’s Daughter. The full devotional book is available now in the link below!


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