Forever Young


“Yes! Look how you’ve made all your lovers to flourish like palm trees, each one growing in victory, standing with strength! You’ve transplanted them into your heavenly courtyard, where they are thriving before you. For in your presence they will still overflow and be anointed. Even in their old age they will stay fresh, bearing luscious fruit and abiding faithfully. Listen to them! With pleasure they still proclaim: ‘You’re so good! You’re my beautiful strength! You’ve never made a mistake with me.’”

- Psalms 92:12-15 TPT

Does the Lord ever place a memory on your mind? A few weeks ago, I was having myself a good ole’ time boogying to “Land Of A 1000 Dances” on Just Dance 3, when out of the blue an old image of myself fell right in front of me. The timing of it was breath-taking, because, for a moment it seemed as though I were standing in two eras of my life at once. In the one God brought to mind, I was 11 years old hiding under my covers all summer long, wondering how I was supposed to go on living. And then, in my present moment, here I was - a late 20-something dancing like a lunatic (my avatar was an alligator) and laughing so hard I couldn’t breathe. The Lord chose to be very kind to me that night by resurfacing this memory. He saw me spinning, waving my arms, and jumping in my living room on a Thursday evening as my dog and cat watched my sick dance moves from the sofa - and used this moment to show me how far I have come. 

Now, I must share this with you (because it really does add to the story): just as I was doing a fun scissor move with my legs, kicking outwards to the left and to the right, God whispered over me: “You are younger now at 28 than you were when you were 11. Even though you were a child then, you were old in your soul. Keep trusting in Me and you never have to go back to that place. The freedom you feel now is only just the beginning of what’s to come! I am going to keep your spirit young forever.” 

Never in my life did I think I would be smiling through tears while flailing my limbs to and fro as a cartoon alligator, but there I was… overcome in every way by the miracles God does with time and trust. At age 11, I already felt so old, so fed-up, and so distraught. My family was homeless. My parents were irresponsible, neglectful, and often cruel. I was bullied at school and beaten at home. Everything about my life felt like an uphill climb. Before I had even begun to live, I felt utterly “done in” by life. God was right, back then I might have been a child, but I was 11 going on 70. 

So, my dear sister, know that I am telling you this from my soul: age really is just a number! There are 80 year olds out there with more life in them than some pre-teens. Perhaps you know exactly what I am talking about here. Maybe you were forced to grow up too soon as well, and you have felt like an old woman since you were a young girl? If you do, God wants you to know that He can return your stolen childhood. It is never too late to find healing for your soul. You are never too old to feel young at heart! 

Even if the first half of your life was beyond difficult, that doesn’t mean the years in front of you will be the same way. The rest of your life could be your best years yet! You may have had adult problems since you were a small child, but God wants to give you an inner youth that no situation can take away. Because you see, our wonderful Father never does anything halfway. When He restores a person’s life, His love permeates throughout every part of their life. Hear and receive the promise God gave to Israel after years of suffering: 

“Return to a stronghold, you prisoners who have hope; today I declare that I will restore double to you.”

- Zechariah 9:12 CSB

This promise echoes a similar one from the book of Isaiah: “Instead of your [former] shame you will have a double portion; and instead of humiliation your people will shout for joy over their portion. Therefore in their land they will possess double [what they had forfeited]; Everlasting joy will be theirs. (Isaiah 61:7 AMP)”

I love that the verse above specifically mentions “they will possess double [what they had forfeited]…” because this tells us that God can even reverse the damage caused by our mistakes. There are so many ways a childhood can be stolen - through abuse, addiction, rebellion, neglect, etc. Regardless of how the brokenness entered our lives, God heals it all. He returns stolen innocence and lost childhoods. He teaches us how to hope and live again. God alone has the power to not only give us eternal life, but to make us forever young.

Today’s Declaration: “I am my Father’s daughter and His saving power is invading my life! Everything I lost before is restored to me through Jesus Christ. My best years are ahead of me!”

This was an excerpt from Kelly Goldson’s new book, I Am My Father’s Daughter. To learn more about this devotional, click the link below!


Powerful Peace


Having An Active Faith