Figure Out What God Wants You To Do

Do you want to know someone who is underrated in the Bible? He is Jesus’ adopted father, Joseph. I know, I know, his son was literally the Messiah so I understand why he isn’t always considered a main character. However, God chose this guy to raise Jesus as his son for a reason. As I’ve studied the Gospel of Matthew recently, I have noticed how faithful, responsive, and teachable Joseph was. When God talked to Jospeh, he listened. When God told him to do something, he obediently and immediately got it done.

One of my favorite examples of this is when an angel wakes up Joseph in the middle of the night just after Jesus was born in Bethlehem. The angel told him to get his family out of there and flee to Egypt. Joseph didn’t think it over, or take a few days to pray about it first. This dutiful servant of God didn’t even wait until morning. Joseph got his family up and they left that night. (See Matthew 2:13-14) Did Joseph probably just want to go home to Nazareth instead of immigrating to a new country? Most likely. Did this shake up the plans he had been making? Scripture doesn’t say it did, but I think it’s realistic to believe so. What scripture does make clear is - in the dark of night, this young couple hit the road with an infant Jesus simply because God said to. Joseph and Mary did not need to know more information first, God’s message alone was enough. And, their obedience to God kept our newborn Savior alive.

There’s so much we can learn from Jospeh. Here’s something I’ve picked up from him - “God said so” is enough of a reason. When God tells me to do something, I don’t need more time to pray for an answer. When God tells me to “get up now” I wont let fear lead me to ask “are You sure?” He is GOD, of course He is sure. The answer has already been given. I’ve gotten it. The question then becomes - what will I do with God’s instructions?

Lovely friend, prayer is not always us talking to God - often, it’s God talking to us. If you know Jesus, then you have His Spirit living inside of your heart and this is all you need to hear from God.

“I alone am the Good Shepherd, and I know those whose hearts are mine, for they recognize me and know me. My own sheep will hear my voice and I know each one, and they will follow me.”
- John 10:14, 27 TPT

If you want to hear from God more, or maybe you’re not sure where to even begin (I’ve totally been there), here are some things you can do:

1. Get to know God more by reading the Bible.
Just like you wouldn’t recognize the voice of a stranger, it’s hard to know the Lord is speaking to you when you don’t know Him very well (or have only heard from Him through other people). God speaks so much throughout scripture, and though it may seem surprising, our Creator has a personality and His own unique way of communicating. Some things I have noticed is that God repeats Himself when it’s especially important for us to grasp what He is saying (Like in Genesis 1:27). Also, God doesn’t “beat around the bush” but gets right to the point (Genesis 12:1-2, Matthew 13:29-31). He tells us what we need to hear whether we like it or not, because He loves us and sin is so deceiving (James 4:8). For as long as we are willing to learn, God is happy to teach us. However, if we ignore God’s voice, we will begin to hear from Him less and less. So, simply put - our God is straightforward, but He is not a bully. He will not force you into a relationship with Him. He is kind, incredibly wise, and absolutely worth getting to know for yourself. The Bible is where I learned how much God loves me, and it’s where I fell in love with God right back. If you want to grow closer to the Lord, this is the place to go!

2. Spend time with God every day.
Walking with Jesus is about forming a relationship, not practicing a religion. While God will never EVER stop loving you for even a moment, your relationship with Him can grow distant if you don’t make Him your top priority. It took me a long time to understand that spiritual depth doesn’t just happen - it is built by my pursuit of God every day. Quieting my mind in prayer has been especially challenging, but over the years I have learned that I don’t need inner silence in order to hear from God. I get to come before the Lord and lay all of the noise at His feet. Prayer is about coming as you are and giving God everything you have - even when all you have are concerns. Our every day offerings might look a lot like the misshapen ash trays and hand-picked dandelions a child gives their parent, but God loves you and He loves me and He welcomes everything we bring to Him. Close your eyes and envision open arms reaching out towards you, ready to help and love and instruct and embrace… who wouldn’t want to leap into arms like those every chance they get!

3. Start right where you are.
God tells us to do small things before He tells us to do big things. He grows our obedience just like He grows our faith - step by step. One day when I was 19 and living in a basement apartment, I remember praying for a house. And I wasn’t just praying for any house, but my dream home with a big front porch, vaulted ceilings, stained glass windows, wooden floors, a couple acres of land with a lake nearby, and long driveway fenced off by trees for privacy. I have always dreamed of owning an old southern house with quirks that I could invite hurting people to come and rest in. However, as soon as the words left my mouth, I felt God direct my attention to the sink of dirty dishes in my kitchen, ha! He wanted to help me get a house one day, but how well would I take care of that house if I couldn’t take care of the apartment I already had? (Like I said earlier, God is direct - hilariously so at times. I think it’s safe to say that if you hear a tender voice whisper something that makes you uncomfortable while also being helpful... then it’s probably God’s voice you are hearing.) Years later, I am currently planning to buy my first house, and each night washing the dishes and keeping my current home clean is my act of faith and obedience. So, bottom line - the more you listen to God, the more you will hear from God. The more you pray, the more you will learn to ask for help instead of things, and embrace God as your loving Heavenly Father instead of a genie. (Genies only exist to make you happy, while Father’s prioritize our health, character development and total wellbeing. Being happy is great, but lasting joy cannot come without some Fatherly training from the Lord.) Listen when God tells you to do something small like washing the dishes. Listen when He tells you to help someone. Listen when He says to fall on your knees and pray about something. Listen when He tells you to save instead of splurge. Listen when He tells you to show compassion instead of judgement. Every act of obedience is our way of telling the Lord “I respect and honor You as my loving Father. I want to show You that You can trust me, God.” Make this the goal of your whole life.

Give the Word and will of God the deciding factor and veto power.

Trust God will all of your heart, and know that no one wants more for you than He does.

So my fellow image-bearer, your future does not depend upon you (thank goodness for that), but your future does depend on you DEPENDING ON GOD. Even if obeying is scary, do it anyways. If you don’t feel ready to do what He’s asking of you, then pray for strength or help (God’s got more than enough of both)… but pray on the way. Have responsive faith like Jospeh. Just move those feet, child of God, and you will find yourself walking in your Father’s power and protection!

”For the Kingdom of God is not just a lot of talk; it is living by God’s power.”
- 1 Corinthians 4:20 NLT

“My dear brothers and sisters, what good is it if someone claims to have faith but demonstrates no good works to prove it? How could this kind of faith save anyone? For example, if a brother or sister in the faith is poorly clothed and hungry and you leave them saying, “Good-bye. I hope you stay warm and have plenty to eat,” but you don’t provide them with a coat or even a cup of soup, what good is your faith? So then faith that doesn’t involve action is phony. But someone might object and say, “One person has faith and another person has works.” Go ahead then and prove to me that you have faith without works and I will show you faith by my works as proof that I believe. You can believe all you want that there is one true God, that’s wonderful! But even the demons know this and tremble with fear before him, yet they’re unchanged— they remain demons.”
- James 2:14-19 TPT

Here’s my prayer for you and for me. Can we all bow our heads and say it together?
“Lord, I know that You made me with purpose FOR a purpose. You planned every day of my life for such a time as this. I know my future depends on me depending upon You. God, please grow me in my faith and responsiveness to You. Help me to be more like Jesus and the faith warriors who came before me. I want to spend my days listening for Your voice and serving You. In Jesus’ name, amen.”


Letting Go and Trusting God