I Am Yours, You Are Mine.

“Listen, Jacob, to the One who created you, Israel, to the one who shaped who you are. Do not fear for I, your Kinsman-Redeemer, will rescue you. I have called you by name, and you are mine.” - Isaiah 43:1 TPT

Have you ever been blindsided by circumstances that made you doubt God’s love? Or, has the suffering and chaos in the world left you feeling overwhelmed? This promise from Isaiah 43 offers immeasurable comfort and reassurance to us when we need it the most. You see, the Lord chose His words carefully when He gave the prophet Isaiah this message for you and for me. God calls Himself our “Kinsmen Redeemer,” which historically, was a person who would intervene for a widow or an orphan after the death of their husband or father, adopting them as their own. A Kinsmen Redeemer is someone who comes to the rescue, and this is exactly what God wants to do for His children. He steps in to be our Father every time we need one. When life surprises you, or when you do not know what to do, you can trust that the Lord is never far away.

God calls you His “kin” (family) and promises to be your Redeemer forever. You belong to the Lord, and like a child depends on their Father, you can depend on Him. You are safe in God’s care. You never face anything in life alone.

Prayer: “God, you are the hope of the world and the Light of my life. Thank you for redeeming me every time I need You, and for guiding me through the darkness. When my heart is overwhelmed, help me to remember that I belong to You… and You have never failed me yet. In Jesus’ name, amen.”

This was an entry Kelly wrote for BethanyKids online Advent devotional by BethanyKids. Heart Of Hosanna is a proud partner of this wonderful organization who is helping so many children receive life-saving medical care.

BethanyKids is a compassionate Christian mission transforming the lives of African children with surgical conditions and disabilities through pediatric surgery, rehabilitation, public education, spiritual ministry and training health professionals.

If you would like to read BethanyKids Advent Devotional, visit their instagram page. There is also a link below to donate and help these precious children and their families.


Listening When God Speaks


God Is Not Out To Get You.