Rest Gives Us A Chance To Heal.

I shared last year that I’ve been working with God to overcome lifelong insomnia. And guess what… I’ve been making some real strides towards getting more regular, restful sleep! On average, I have gotten 8 hours a night and I am really beginning to relish my morning time with Jesus!

God has been using this newfound physical rest to show me how to find rest spiritually as well. The main thing I’ve learned so far about rest is:

Rest is essential and there is absolutely no shame in it.

Secondly, the Lord in His wisdom commands us to take a Sabbath because we need to know that our worth is God-given and not based on our productivity. You are priceless, not because of what you bring to the table, but because you are made in God’s image.

And finally, God uses rest to bring us deep, profound healing. This one has blindsided me in a good way. I’ve taken the past 6 weeks to slow down and pray more. The last time I took this much time to rest was 5 years ago after my mom died. Over the past month or so, my Heavenly Father has revealed wounds I didn’t even know were there. Ways I still have not healed from my mother’s death. Heartache that’s been hiding.

Rest often reveals wounds that are silenced by busyness. So my lovely friend, please don’t wait until something major happens and forces you to rest. Rest because you are loved. Rest so God can heal you in the ways you need Him to.

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”
‭‭- Matthew‬ ‭11:28‬ ‭NIV‬‬


Unshakable Faith


Do You Feel Like You’re Limping Through Life?