Gratitude Makes Life Better!

“God will continually revitalize you, implanting within you the passion to do what pleases him. Live a cheerful life, without complaining or division among yourselves.”  - Philippians 2:13-14 TPT

I’m going to be honest with you, lovely friend. God wants more for us than adult tantrums, never-satisfied, and my-way-or-no-way kinds of attitudes. (If I can admit that I throw adult tantrums sometimes, then you can too.) 

Some people find something to be grateful for in every situation, and some people find something to complain about in every situation. You can RUIN the blessings in your life with your perspective... or you can BLESS THE RUINS in your life with your perspective. We all have a choice.

How we see life changes what we see.

Find the good. Be grateful.

✖️Complaining makes problems seem bigger. 

✔️Gratitude declares God is BIGGER.

✖️Complaining only makes our burdens feel heavier.

✔️Gratitude keeps us in the fold of Christ, where His yoke is easy and His burden is light. (Matt. 11:28-30)

✖️Complaining paints a portrait of our Mighty God that is small and mediocre. 

✔️Gratitude remembers all of the times God answered a prayer, opened a door, and did the IMPOSSIBLE... and patiently waits for Him to do it AGAIN!

If you want to see the goodness of God saturate your life, then start looking for it right where you are! Because, when you look for the good, you will always find it!

“Rejoice always and delight in your faith; be unceasing and persistent in prayer; in every situation [no matter what the circumstances] BE THANKFUL and continually GIVE THANKS to God; for this is the will of God for you in Christ Jesus.”

- 1 Thess. 5:16-18 AMP, emphasis added


Not Today, Satan!


Zombies Are Real